Qualifications Aren’t Everything: Leveraging Your Skills and Talents to Land the Job

Interviewer DOs and DON’Ts

In a competitive job market it can sometimes feel like you need to earn great marks across the board to be considered for your dream job. Skills, experience, great references, qualifications. For many, lacking the latter feels like an obstacle. While some roles do require specific qualifications, in many other jobs across a range of industries, qualifications are not essential. And, even if you do have the desired diploma or degree, this may not be the employer’s top consideration in the hiring process. In short, qualifications aren’t everything, and they may matter less than you think.

It is perhaps most important to highlight your skills, attitude, and work ethic to showcase your potential for greatness. With this approach, you’ll be that much closer to landing your dream job.

Shining in Your CV

Before you even set foot in an office for an interview you’ve likely already made your first impression on a potential employer. Your CV is your first shot at standing out among other candidates. Whether or not this CV includes a first-class qualification, what matters most is that this document showcases you at your very best. The CV is a place to demonstrate how you’ve contributed in your previous roles and the skills and achievements you’ve developed. In fact, these real world examples often reveal more about a potential employee then a degree or other qualification would. Make sure to emphasise the positive impact you left in your previous workplaces.

Winning in Your Interview

With a fantastic CV, you have a far better chance of getting to the interview stage, and this is where the tables truly turn. Even candidates that don’t shine on paper may excel tremendously in person. In the interview, your attitude, ambition, and level of respect will be on display, as will those all-important communication skills. The interaction you have with potential employers provides them with what they really need to know if you’d make a great addition to the team. If qualifications are what you lack, give a winning interview to help tip the odds in your favour.

Highlighting Your Attributes

Whether you’ve earned a Qualification or not, your number one selling point as a potential employee is always your personal attributes. This includes “soft skills” like diplomacy, tact, and conflict resolution, but in the working world this also means the technical skills you’ve developed. Make sure that your CV, interview, and personal interaction give you ample opportunity to highlight these talents and qualities. If an employer doesn’t ask you about a particular experience or skill make sure to mention it, particularly if it is a much sought-after skill or a unique experience. It also is a great idea speak with a career counselor or recruiter who can help you better identify your many skills and attributes.

A Helping Hand

Finding a job can be tough, but you don’t have to go it alone. If you are a job seeker, On Line Recruitment and Labour Hire provides a free and beneficial service that may make all the difference in your career search. Our recruitment team can help you prepare, as well as connect you with ideal opportunities. We’ve worked with thousands of candidates and Australian businesses to create outstanding employee-employer partnerships. You could be next! Get in touch with us today.