The Benefits of Mentoring

The Benefits of Mentoring

In the world of business, one often overlooked topic of discussion is that of mentorship. While some individuals will seek out mentors in their careers or mentor their juniors at some point, a large proportion of those in the workforce will not, and they may be missing out. There are undeniable benefits on both sides of the mentoring spectrum, and today we highlight the advantages of such a relationship, demonstrating the efficacy of mentoring both personally and professionally.

What is a Mentor?

Typically an older, more experienced individual, a mentor is a someone who takes a younger or more inexperienced person under their wing. In the business realm, the mentor advises the mentee, helping them to develop and progress in their career and often to grow personally as well. Many recent graduates seeking wisdom and guidance along their path may turn to peers who are also new to the workforce. While there is value in that perspective, it cannot compare to the advantage and influence of working with a knowledgeable mentor. A quality mentor can offer a unique and sagacious perspective, share leadership advice, and present unique options and viewpoints for you to consider. The best mentor-mentee relationship occurs when the two individuals have respect for one another and value one another’s perspective and input.

Everyone Wins

A recent research study undertaken by Sun Microsystems reported some positive statistics regarding mentorship. By observing the career progress of roughly 1,000 employees over a period of 5 years, the study found that both mentors and mentees were approximately 20% more likely to receive a raise than those who did not engage in a mentoring relationship. Mentees were promoted at work 5 times more often than those without mentors, and mentors themselves received promotions 6 times more frequently than their mentee-less colleagues. It is clear that mentoring pays off professionally for both parties.

The True Advantages of Mentoring

In addition to the more tangible advantages, such as an increased likelihood for promotion, there are countless other benefits that cannot be directly measured. For the mentor, working with a mentee can help expand your industry network, as you nurture a current or future professional colleague who you will have much in common with, as you are influencing his or her vision, work ethic, and more. For your own career, mentoring can aid you in building a level of career confidence and competency. Not only can mentoring help you refresh your skills, the mentee can offer a new perspective on your work and your industry, including illuminating how colleague’s perceive you. This understanding can only help you improve in your field. Personally, a mentoring relationship can give you the deep satisfaction of helping someone just starting out determine their goals, build their strengths, and make positive career choices. That in itself is very rewarding.

As a mentee, the insight and perspective of a mentor are invaluable resources for your growth and success. Working with an experienced individual that you admire offers you guidance on navigating your career path, carefully choosing your goals, and so much more. When things get rough, a mentor can offer support and encouragement, as well as push you to be your best. Working with a mentor can provide you with the vital constructive criticism and feedback necessary for on-the-job improvement. He or she can also instil in you a sense of leadership skills and problem solving abilities. Perhaps your mentor will even supply you with industry connections and open doors for you.

At On Line Recruitment and Labour Hire, we are strong supporters of mentorship and the advantages it offers. Within our own team, we love to foster these encouraging and mutually-beneficial relationships.

What does your business do to promote mentoring? Are there potential mentoring relationships you could be building within the workplace?