New Year, New Job?

Looking for Work Job Seeker

With the New Year comes a list of goals to achieve and new experiences to try for the next 12 months. While many people list “losing weight,” “eating healthy,” or “travelling more,” to be their New Year’s resolutions, you might be considering finding a new job as a priority for the year ahead. If “New Year  New Job,” is your main resolution for this year, here are a few tips to help you find the job that you want and be successful in your chosen career.

Ensure That You Are Ready

Don’t immediately quit your current job simply because you feel like it. See to it that you are ready mentally, physically, and financially. Also, extend common courtesy to your current employer by advising them of your intention to leave and giving the required notice. If you can, assist with the training or recruitment of your replacement. As they say, don’t burn bridges because you’ll never know when they might be useful.

Know Exactly What You Want

The key to being happy and productive in your chosen career is doing what you love.Therefore, before you start searching for a new job, it’s important to know exactly what you want. Take the time to do a self-evaluation to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Understand what makes you get up in the morning. This way, it will be much easier for you to “sell” yourself and tell a potential employer what you can do for their company once you get on board.

Make Sure You Have The Necessary Experience

Whether you want to enter a new industry or you want to climb the corporate ladder, it’s important to obtain the relevant experience before you submit your application. Applying for a job you’re not qualified for is simply a waste of time! Go out in the world and get some experience. You can apply for internships or do volunteer work. Not only is it good for your career, it can also help you personally.

Improve Your Image

Remember, you only get one shot to make a good impression so ensure you don’t waste it. Before sending in your application, work on your personal brand. Update your resume and work portfolio. If you have a LinkedIn profile, ensure that it contains the latest information about you. Most importantly, never make the mistake of sending in your resume to an employer without proofreading it first because a resume filled with spelling and grammatical errors can make you look very unprofessional.

Use The Most Effective Strategies During Your Job Search

To improve your chances of finding the job you want, it’s important to use efficient and effective job search strategies. For instance, if you’re looking for a job, you can enlist the assistance of On Line Recruitment and Labour Hire. For more than 15 years, we have been providing tailored employment solutions that satisfy both employers and job seekers. You can count on us to help you make the most of your career in 2018.