Are you pursuing your passion? If there’s one thing that’s certain, life is short, and you deserve to spend it doing something you love. But this idea, while exciting and motivating, does not necessarily mean what you think it means. Before you quit your job to follow a “dream,” take a closer look at what it means to follow your passion.
Those with passion are happier and more productive
It’s clear that “passion” is important. But it can be defined in many different ways. Your passion can be a subject that excites you, or a hobby that brings you joy and fulfillment. This thing you’re passionate about does not need to be your career, however.
The key is to be doing something every day that matters to you. Those who have a degree of passion in their work, and in their lives, are ultimately more productive and happier throughout the day. It’s a worthy goal to strive for.
There are many ways to define passion
It is easy to feel that one’s job should be the center of their universe. But this is not true. If you have a job you enjoy, where you find meaning from setting and achieving goals, this is a great thing. Maybe you don’t adore your job, but you’re happy knowing that you’re paying the bills and providing for your family. Doing what’s right can also help bring that passion to life.
Your passion can be in your hobbies and interests. Having a job enables you the freedom and finances to be able to make the most of your time off, and pursue the hobbies you love. The path to your passion is important.
Finding passion in your current field
Pursuing passion in some part of your life is vital. It does not mean you have to find it fully in your career or in your job. Rather, strive to find the elements of your job that drive you. Find goals you can work hard to accomplish, or meaningful steps you can take towards improving the workplace as a whole. Your job doesn’t have to be your passion, but the more passion you can bring to your job, the better. You’ll find you have greater performance, more workplace enjoyment, and a higher quality of life.
Of course, sometimes it is time for a career change. We can help. On Line Recruitment and Labour Hire are your Australian career experts. With years of employment experience, we know precisely how to assist people just like you to find meaning and passion in their jobs. Get in touch today for more details on our free services for job seekers.