
From the Blog


Do I Need A Cover Letter?

Yes. Always. Nine times out of ten a job listing will ask for one anyway, but even if it isn’t a requirement, knowing how to write a good cover letter, will give you an advantage over other jobseekers. In fact, some of the employers we work with say that a

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Recruiter Confidentiality : What You Need To Know

Recruiter Confidentiality is a growing concern amongst jobseekers, so we’ve made it one of our top priorities here at On Line Recruitment. Resumes are a confidential document containing detailed information about their owner, so it goes without saying that they should be treated with the care and respect they deserve.

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Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency & How to Select the Right One

As a business owner or hiring manager, the recruitment process can be both time-consuming and costly. One way to make the process more efficient and effective is by using a hiring agency. These agencies specialise in finding, screening, and placing qualified candidates in open positions within your organisation. In this

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Panel Interviews or Individual Interviews: Which Is Better?

Every business is different. So too are the positions you advertise for and the candidates you attract. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for interviewing potential new employees. Interviews may take many forms including: Individual (one-on-one interviews) The most common form of interview where you will talk directly to a

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7 Tips for a Successful Induction

After the hiring process is complete and you’ve got your new employee ready to start, it can feel like the hard work’s over. However, the next phase – induction training – is arguably the most important step in the recruitment process. Why? A good induction programme helps your new employee

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Pre-Employment Tests Explained (and some tips to prepare!)

It today’s competitive job market it is becoming more and more common for job applicants to be asked to sit a pre-employment test before moving forward to the interview stage. Depending on the job, these tests can assess a range of characteristics including cognitive abilities, general knowledge, work experience, personality,

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