As a business in need of employees, you may feel overwhelmed at the many options available. If you’ve chosen to utilise the services of a skilled recruitment agency, there will be several employment options to select from. Depending on your industry, business size, and particular requirements, you may need to utilise all types of employment options or perhaps only a single method will suit your circumstances. In this post, we take a look at the three common hiring patterns and examine what situations are most appropriate for each.
When to Use Permanent Recruitment
Permanent recruitment is the most common option when seeking new employment. When using a recruitment agency such as On Line Recruitment, permanent hires are found through a few methods. After assessing your particular business needs and determining the requirements of the open position, the recruitment agency will sort through the extensive candidate database to see if there is a suitable match. In the event that the database does not contain the appropriate candidate, the recruitment agency will move forward with active recruiting on your behalf, assisting with all stages of the hiring process.
You should use permanent recruitment if your business is looking to fill an existing role that is expected to remain permanent. Finding a permanent employee to match with a position is an important process, as you definitely want the right fit for the long term. Permanent recruitment is the right choice for a long term position which needs a skilled and competent employee. This option is appropriate for the majority of industries, including hospitality, retail, marketing, education, sales, and more.
When to Use Temporary Recruitment
Temporary staffing is a common need for many businesses, large and small. Perhaps you’re looking to fill positions for a busy season, but are concerned that business might slow down, and you’ll no longer need the extra help. Or maybe your business needs are ever-changing and you require on-call or last-minute temporary employees. Temporary recruitment is an excellent workforce solution in the above situations and for any business dealing with uncertain or changing circumstances.
Temporary recruitment is a flexible option designed to meet a variety of frequently shifting business needs. A recruitment agency can find the ideal employee to suit your company’s circumstances, and at On Line Recruitment, we handle all the relevant administrative details for temporary employees allowing you to continue focusing on your business. If you require immediate short-term staff, temporary recruitment will ensure you are matched with excellent workers quickly and efficiently, so business can continue as usual.
When to Use Labour Hire
Labour hire is somewhat similar to temporary recruitment, but involves the long and short term hiring of skilled workers for projects in the realm of construction, engineering, and similar. If your business is planning to undertake a major project in new construction, refurbishment, or electrical operations, labour hire might be the right choice for you. For such a project, labour hire can provide you with skilled labourers and tradespeople, well-trained in the specific areas required for your project. Labour hire sources for positions such as machine operators, concrete finishers, road traffic controllers, welders, carpenters, drivers, plumbers, and electricians, among others.
Labour hire can source workers for projects of any length and can provide flexibility in the wake of constantly changing project requirements. In peak season, temporary projects of all kinds may be more numerous and a labour hire company can help equip you with the tradespeople and skilled labourers you require. One great advantage of labour hire is that the workers are hired not by your business, but directly through the labour hire agency, meaning you needn’t worry about payroll, administration, or any of those extraneous details. Your recruitment agency will take care of it all for you.
A Recruitment and Labour Hire Agency: A Good Choice for All Options
When a business is in need of new employees, whether permanent or temporary, many times that business chooses to go it alone. The hiring process can be laborious, tricky, and time-consuming. For your next hire, why not let us help? On Line Recruitment are your regional employment experts, and with years of experience in the field, we’ve got you covered. Let us take care of finding you the best people for the job, so you can spend more time focusing on running your business.